If you don’t already know Ms. Renee Lane, author of Finding Love through Female Domination, she is a sadist. She truly revels in making men squirm and in torturing their minds. Case in point – for three days in a row she has posted writings about chastity; how every woman should make it a prerequisite for their future romantic partners, how male orgasms are merely a tool given by the Goddess to control men, how it turns her on to have the power to take them away at her whim. How she is going to discuss chastity with each of her ‘knights’ as she calls the men serving her in promoting her book and movie.

“Slowly I’m going to start tightening the screws on them. They will get to know the real me.”
Her sadistry is as effective as it is evil and brilliant. I dread opening Fetlife now for fear of seeing a red 1 on my message box. I envision her as the plague doctor inexorably coming to knock at my door. She has made it perfectly clear she is coming as she has deliciously drawn out our fear of her with post after post, all for her own cruel pleasure. Each new post adding to the steady drip, drip of the inevitable tide coming to drown us in our own submission to her pursuit of empowering women over men.
To be clear, I dislike being locked chastity. I do not wish to be put into chastity. I’ve written an entire treatise on why I don’t like chastity that was even quoted in Ms. Voltairine’s book 150 Years of Gynarchy …
and I know my protests will just make taking away my ability to have an orgasm all the more luscious for her.

“…you are on a slippery slope. Such behavior can sometimes be a gateway drug that may eventually lead you to become a initiate at the North American Queendom. It may already be too late for you.”
My hands are ice cold and I tremble in fear, because I know when her knock at my door comes, I won’t be able to deny her her sadistic pleasure. It is already far to late for me. I will buy a DreamLover remote controlled chastity device if she tells me it’s what she desires. I won’t give up my orgasms – she will take them. That is within her power. And what will become of the key… ?