A subhuman is at peace with its reality. You have offered up all of yourself. Body, mind, soul, all of your life. And for nothing in return. Especially not for sexual gratification. Being owned is about expecting nothing, it is only about serving.
Your master owns you. Everything you do in life is now secondary to your service to her and will only be allowed to be pursued if she allows it. Your “he” pronoun should be replaced with “it.” You should begin to think of yourself and refer to yourself as “it” instead of “I.” Forget she has a name as well. To you she will always be “Ma’am”, “Master”, or “Goddess.”

If you have surrendered yourself to a sadist, she gets immense erotic pleasure from inflicting pain. Your job is to take whatever pain she wishes to dish out. She may allow others to enjoy inflicting pain upon you as well… Her pleasure is seeking out your suffering, you will be in extreme pain often. Her limits are now your limits.
When you’re not in use, you are stored in what will likely be a hot, cold, smelly, untidy, filthy place. This is where you will stay the majority of the time. You will have only the books she gives you to read, no laptop, no television, no phone. Nothing that isn’t specifically authorized by her, your Master. You will stare at its blank walls for the many hours you are not sleeping. And when it’s time to be used or worked, it won’t matter whether you were sleeping or not. Because as a ‘sub’human, your comfort no longer matters.
Unlike a BDSM sub who goes back to a ‘normal’ life once the scene is over, you know that your place is below that of humans and a ‘normal’ life isn’t yours to be led anymore. There is no return from your new existence.
Nevertheless, you have a useful function in society. Violent women hurt you so that they don’t hurt other people. You help her to show her best face to others because her worst face is reserved for you. Your servile and subhuman existence nurses her sadistic need to be superior to something. The function that you serve is one no human ever wants to. But a true ‘sub’human is at peace knowing that it has purpose and accepts its chains and takes the beatings, cuttings, burns, and suffocations gracefully, speaking the only human words it is still permitted to ever speak… ‘Thank you Goddess.’