If you don’t know who Andrew Tate is, the former kick-boxer rose to fame in 2016 when he was removed from British TV show Big Brother over a video which appeared to show him attacking a woman. He went on to gain notoriety online, with Twitter banning him for saying women should “bear responsibility” for being sexually assaulted. (He has since been reinstated.)
[he] appears to have created an organized crime group with the purpose of recruiting, housing and exploiting women by forcing them to create pornographic content meant to be seen on specialized websites for a cost (Reuters news agency).
With the news of his arrest this morning, here are some numbers for you;
The number of women enslaved worldwide has increased from 26.25 million in 2021 to 30.91 million in 2022. This is the largest growth of woman enslaved in one year roughly 20-22%. This is widely attributed to war, conflicts such as the situation in Ukraine, growing inflation and economic stress. Despite global efforts to fight slavery. the number of slaves has just continued to rise.
This has also been the only time since the index was formed that the increase has topped 20% beyond the normal year;y percentage of 12-15% *.
In addition, according to the website doenetwork.org, at least 2,378 women remain missing to this very day in the United States. Statistics show that if the missing woman is not found within 7 years the chances of them ever being found is less than 1%. And over 98.2% of those on the list fall into this category. Moreover, every year an average of 7 more women are added to the list.
Are you convinced that men perpetrate horrible evil upon women world-wide and have been doing so through out recorded history? That the patriarchal system of governance and laws are seriously tilted against the freedom of women? No?
What if I told you all the figures above came from a male porn website whose members CHEER these numbers as a ‘step in the right direction’ of turning all women into chattel to be raped and tortured with impunity by men? ARE YOU PISSED YET!!!?
Yes. Men like Tate must be stopped NOW. But he is just a drop in the bucket. A token arrest to appease women into thinking that by-and-large men actually care about them and their human rights.
It is past time for change.
It is time for revolution.