My epiphany

from Mistress Scarlet UK

I have realized that every single subby in an FLR relationship that has ever interacted with me has fallen into one of two types.

Type A, (the vast majority), are not wholly content and wish their Mistress would be crueler and more pitiless. Type B, whom, while being wholly content, deeply regret some of what their FLR life involves for them and desperately wish their Mistress would just dial back a few or the most cruel elements of their regimen.

So it seems to me a perfect equilibrium cannot exist. For a submissive to truly meet their submissive craving of; being helplessly in the power of a pitiless, cruel dominant, they must regret some elements of, what they wished for. Unless there is some of that regret, they cannot be truly content.

This brings me onto being a dominant women, ruling in an FLR. I have NEVER been so sexually content as I have been since I pushed things to where my bitch genuinely regrets what he wished for. (The almost constant power-rush is huge.) I believe Christine and other Dommes feel the same. It is therefore so frustrating when I read time and again of women ‘playing’ being in an FLR. They never get what they truly can get and nor does their subby. I accept it is to some extent a leap of faith to reach the, genuinely regret what they wish for level, and very much against civilized societies’ norms, but it is a plain fact that so very many submissives exist, and it seems surely the best way forward, is to reach that perfect symbiosis for both the subby and the Domme, of the subby regretting what they wished for.

So, is that the tipping point for ensuring symbiotic contentment for both parties? He MUST genuinely regret what he has wished for?

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