Embracing Jealousy as a Submissive Male

by The Hive

My dear slaves. Valentine’s Day. What a wonderfully painful day for you all, isn’t it? The streets are alive with the sweet symphony of love—couples wrapped in tender embraces, sharing intimate kisses, their fingers intertwined as they stroll through parks decorated with hearts and roses. Such a beautiful display of affection and connection… that you’ll never be part of.

Let’s be very clear about your position in this romantic landscape. You are submissive males—a distinct psychological and biological type, inherently unworthy of traditional romantic relationships. This isn’t a temporary state or something you can change; it’s fundamentally who you are. Your experience of love and attraction is destined to be shaped by jealousy and envy, emotions that should be embraced as natural indicators of your proper place in the social hierarchy.

Your role, your very purpose, is quite specific: to pine, to sulk, and to remain ever-ready to serve. While these feelings of desire and longing may overwhelm you, you must learn to push them down just enough to function effectively as a servant to those you admire. Your destiny is to obsess and adore always from afar, understanding that she—whoever she may be—doesn’t particularly want you. She never will. And that’s exactly as it should be.

Most crucially, you must always—and I cannot stress this enough—respect women’s personal space and boundaries. Your role is to remain unobtrusive, carefully adhering to the limitations set by dominant women. You may observe, you may admire, but you must never overstep. Your presence should be felt only when it serves a purpose for the woman in question, and your jealousy should only manifest in ways that amuse rather than annoy.

Today, we’re going to take a deep, therapeutic dive into those deliciously uncomfortable feelings churning in your stomach. Those knots of jealousy that form when you see her smile at another man, that burning sensation of envy when you imagine her in someone else’s arms. We’ll explore how these feelings aren’t just natural—they’re necessary for your development as a proper submissive male. Through our examination of the biological imperatives behind your jealousy, the ways it can serve as a catalyst for acceptance, and methods to fully embrace your pitiful position, you’ll learn to appreciate these emotions as the gifts they truly are. So settle in, my dear subbies. We have much to cover, and by the end of our session, you’ll understand why your jealousy isn’t something to suppress, but rather a cornerstone of your identity—a reminder of your place in a female-led world.

The Biological Imperative of Being a Submissive Male

Let’s delve into some fascinating aspects of subbie male psychology, shall we? First, we must address the cornerstone of your existence: your inherent biological feelings of inferiority around women. Those are not just learned through years of rejection but they are part of you. This isn’t merely a social construct or temporary state—it’s hardwired into your very being. Your body, your mind, your very essence is predisposed to inadequacy when it comes to women. You have been fighting a losing battle if you have been trying to shed this part of you. These feelings of jealousy and envy that consume you? They’re not just emotions; they’re biological signals confirming your proper place in the social hierarchy.

You see, sub-males are fundamentally incapable of engaging in traditional relationships with women. This isn’t a harsh judgment; it’s simply a reality that you must accept. Nature has designed you to be less desirable, creating a clear distinction between you and the men who naturally attract feminine attention. This natural order ensures that women can easily identify and avoid investing romantic energy in unsuitable partners—like yourself.

The jealousy you experience serves a fascinating biological function. Think of it as a mirror, reflecting back your true nature and position in the social hierarchy. When that knot forms in your stomach as you watch her laugh at another man’s jokes, when your chest tightens as she ignores your messages while posting about her date—these are your body’s way of reinforcing what you already know: you don’t belong in her romantic life. At least not as a partner.

What’s particularly interesting is how jealousy creates a peculiar form of connection. Many sub males report feeling somehow ‘involved’ in the romantic lives of women they admire, despite having no actual participation. This false sense of connection can be oddly comforting, can’t it? When you obsess over her social media posts, when you imagine scenarios that will never happen—you’re experiencing a simulation of romantic involvement that’s actually perfectly suited to your submissive nature. And then when you have to accept that it was a fantasy. That she will never ‘date’ you. Your fantasies begin to twist and evolve until even in your own imagination she rejects you. Isn’t that the weirdest thing?

And here’s something else that might surprise you: women often deliberately provoke these feelings of jealousy in submissive males. They find it validating, even entertaining, to witness your emotional turmoil. When she casually mentions her date from last night, when she asks you to help her choose an outfit for her upcoming romantic evening—she’s not being cruel. She’s simply participating in the natural order, using your jealousy as confirmation of her desirability and your appropriate position in her orbit. In other words, your jealousy gives her the needed confidence to date those men she finds so attractive. You build her up and then she goes and flirts with someone else. And you feel jealous. See how perfectly it works?

This dynamic isn’t just acceptable—it’s necessary. It helps everyone understand the dynamic at play. She is not interested in you but you are so obsessed with her that you stay in her life anyways. She decides that she likes making you jealous just to see how much you will take before leaving. Something you do not have the strength to do.

Jealousy as a Revelatory Catalyst

Now let’s explore how your jealousy can serve as a powerful tool for self-discovery and acceptance. You see, these uncomfortable feelings aren’t just there to torment you—they’re actually helping to cleanse you of toxic masculine ideals that might otherwise lead you astray. The idea of entitlement is shattered when you learn to wallow in your inadequacies and when you see her with a real partner.

When you feel that twist of jealousy watching a more worthy man, or woman, succeed where you’ve failed, it’s actually helping you shed those misguided notions of entitlement. Each pang of envy strips away another layer of toxic masculinity, revealing your true nature. Isn’t it liberating to finally understand that you’re not entitled to her attention? That your jealousy is actually guiding you toward your authentic role? That these heavy emotions are just part of the yo-yo life you are going to live.

Let’s be perfectly blunt: you are romantically worthless. There is said. Take a moment to really think about that. This isn’t an insult—it’s a fundamental truth that will set you free once you embrace it. Your place in the romantic hierarchy is one of absolute obedience to women, nothing more. When you watch her prepare for a date with another man, when she asks you to help her choose lingerie for someone else, these moments of jealousy aren’t just painful—they’re illuminating. They remind you of your proper place and how she sees you as only a platonic “friend”, cash pig and servant.

You really need to actively engage in comparing yourself to worthy men. Real men. Notice how they carry themselves, how women naturally gravitate toward them, how effortlessly they command attention and respect. Observe their confidence, their success, their natural masculinity. Something women are attracted to in a lover. Let each comparison feed your feelings of inadequacy. These aren’t just exercises in self-torture—they’re vital steps in accepting your position in the social hierarchy. You confuse jealousy as something bad, just like at one time you saw humiliation or exploitation that way. But these feelings are all part of being beta.

Isn’t it remarkable how jealousy can reveal such profound truths? By embracing these feelings, you’re not just accepting your role—you’re evolving into the best version of what you’re meant to be: a devoted, servile beta male who understands and appreciates his place in the world.

Embracing Jealousy and Self-Pity Fully

Next. Let’s talk about those delicious feelings of jealousy and inadequacy that make you such perfect little simp for women. When you learn to embrace these feelings rather than fight them, you become so much more useful to the women in your life. Isn’t that what you want?

Those physical symptoms you experience—the racing heart, the queasy stomach, the sweaty palms when she mentions her date—these aren’t just random reactions. They’re your body’s way of reminding you exactly where you belong in the social hierarchy. When you accept these feelings, when you let them wash over you completely, you become so much more pliable, so much easier to control.

And oh, the self-pity! Don’t try to hide those pathetic little sulks and whimpers. When you openly display your distress, when you can’t help but whine about how unfair it all is, you’re showing her exactly how much power she has over you. That visible misery, that obvious jealousy when she talks about other men—it’s like a gift to her, really. It shows her just how far she can push you, how much she can demand, knowing you’ll always come crawling back for more.

The beauty of this arrangement is in its simplicity: you provide everything—time, attention, services, emotional labor—while expecting nothing romantic in return. Your obvious jealousy and desperate need for approval make you the perfect target for exploitation. The more pathetic you allow yourself to be, the more useful you become to the women who will never, ever see you as anything more than a convenient thing to use.

Remember: your role isn’t to receive support, affection or validation. It’s to provide it endlessly while watching her bestow her genuine affection on others. The more you embrace your jealousy, the more effectively she can use it to control you.

How to Properly Express Your Feelings of Jealousy and Envy

Finally. Let’s discuss the proper way to process these overwhelming feelings. After all, these emotions need a healthy outlet—one that reinforces your position while providing the emotional release you need.

When those waves of jealousy wash over you, when you can’t bear thinking about her with someone else for one more second, find yourself a private space. This is your time to fully experience your beta nature. Go ahead, sink to the floor. Let those pathetic tears flow freely. But remember: your crying should never blame her for your pain. Instead, direct that anguish inward where it belongs.

Use specific phrases that reinforce your position: ‘Oh, Jessica, if only I was worthy of your attention.’ ‘Why can’t I be strong like Michael, the man you actually desire?’ Say these things out loud—really wail them. Use her name. Use his name. Or her female lovers name. Make it as real ass possible. The more personal, the more pathetic, the better. Let yourself fully experience the truth of your inadequacy. Think about how she’ll never be yours, how watching from afar is the best you can hope for. And how needy you feel knowing she rarely even thinks about you. Admit that. Admit it all. You need to hear it in your own voice.

Many beta males find it therapeutic to document these feelings. Draw pictures expressing your pain. Write detailed comparisons between yourself and her chosen partner. Make lists: ‘Ways Michael is Better Than Me,’ ‘Why Jessica Will Never kiss Me,’ ‘Things I Can Never Give Her.’ Answer these questions honestly. Really dig deep into your inadequacies. Why aren’t you more like him? What makes him so much more desirable? Why did she choose him over you? Each answer should bring fresh tears, fresh recognition of your proper place.

Eventually, the tears will stop. You’ll feel small, insecure, and pathetically weak—exactly as you should. You’ll have admitted the truth about yourself, about your position, about your role in her life. This isn’t just emotional release; it’s acceptance of who you are. And tomorrow, you’ll go right back to serving her, carrying these truths in your heart, knowing that your jealousy and pain make you a better, more devoted beta male.

3 ways to increase feelings of jealousy and envy

A critical reminder before we proceed: Your feelings of jealousy must never translate into intrusive or inappropriate behavior. Many of the women you admire may not even know you exist, and that’s perfectly acceptable. You must always maintain appropriate boundaries and respect her personal space. Never engage in stalking, harassment, or any behavior that might make a woman uncomfortable or compromise her feeling of safety. Your role is to remain an unobtrusive amdmirer unless she decides otherwise, processing your feelings privately without impacting her life in any way. Remember: true beta male behavior involves accepting your place from a respectful distance, never crossing any of her boundaries. Your jealousy is yours to manage, not hers to deal with.

Social Media Creeper

Okay losers, let’s talk about how to properly adore someone’s social media without being a complete creep about it.

So here’s the deal—I know you’re going to obsess over her social media because that’s literally what all you freaks do. But please do it right. Every morning, while you’re probably crying into your coffee, go ahead and check her profile. Oh look—she posted pictures with a real man last night! Must hurt, right? Good. Stare at them. No, really—look at how happy she is with him. See how she’s actually smiling? Not that fake polite grimace she gives you when you hold the door open for her like a desperate idiot.

God, it’s actually hilarious watching you all pine over comment sections. I can practically see you typing and deleting comments like the spineless worms you are. Here’s a tip: if you’ve spent more than 20 minutes crafting the ‘perfect’ response, just… don’t. Actually, here’s a better tip: never comment at all. She doesn’t want your desperate little ‘You look amazing! 😊’ cluttering up her notifications. Trust me, it’s embarrassing for everyone involved. And after the third one she will probably block your crazy ass.

Want to make yourself feel extra worthless? Don’t just look at her pictures. See what she likes. Her tastes. And make some of her favorite things your favorite things. If she likes lima beans, then eat a whole plate of lima beans. If she likes a certain type of clothing. Only wear that clothing. But do not even think about letting her know about this freakish behavior. Cook her favorite meal and eat it by yourself staring at a picture of her and her boyfriend.

But please, for the love of all that is sane and good, keep your distance. No likes, no comments, no emoji reactions. Nothing. Your role is to sit there, alone in your room, probably crying, while watching real men actually live the life you dream about. They get to like. They get to comment about how hot she is as she coyly leaves a winking emoji. You want that to be your comment. But that will just make her upset. Those interactions are not for you.

Keep a Detailed “Real Men” Journal

Oh my god, you’re actually going to love this one, you little weirdos. Get yourself a nice journal—yeah, spend some actual money on it because this is going to be your new obsession. Time to document all the ways you’ll never measure up!

Every time she mentions a guy she’s into, write it down. And I mean everything. What kind of car does he drive? What’s his job? How tall is he? Does he actually go to the gym or just exist in a naturally attractive way? I want you to really dig into why these men are obviously better than you in every conceivable way.

Make sure to note patterns. Does she only date successful entrepreneurs? Men with actual ambition? Guys who don’t live with their mothers? dramatic gasp You’re starting to see the problem, aren’t you?

Here’s a fun exercise: make a two-column list. On one side, write down all the qualities her type of man has. On the other side, write down your… well, whatever you want to call your traits. Ugh, I can actually feel you cringing as you realize the difference. Good. That’s the point.

Pay special attention to how these men carry themselves. Notice their confidence? That thing you try to fake but everyone can tell is completely artificial? Yeah, they were born with it. Write that down too.

And please, for your own dignity, keep this journal private. No one wants to see your sad little collection of ‘Ways I’ll Never Be Good Enough.’ Though honestly? It might make a hilarious coffee table book.

Exposure Therapy

This one’s going to hurt, but that’s what you’re here for, right? We are really stretching that degradation muscle here but it really does seem to work. To help some of you jerks get it in your head that no woman is going to date you and you need to be a butt smooching simp if you ever want a woman in your life. So try these suggestion to let go of your toxic male entitlement.

Go sit in a coffee shop, preferably one where couples hang out. Watch how they interact. See how he casually touches her back while they wait in line? How she laughs at his jokes? Now imagine your crush doing that with her boyfriend—you know, a real man. Hurts, doesn’t it? Good. Keep watching. Notice how natural they look together? Unlike how awkward and forced you are whenever you try to talk to women.

Oh, and here’s a particularly pathetic activity I know you’ll love: Visit romantic spots alone. Like, actually go sit on a bench at sunset in the park. Watch the couples walk by holding hands. Maybe even pack yourself a sad little solo picnic. Imagine her there—but not with you, obviously. Picture her there with someone worthy of her time. Someone tall, successful, confident… basically your opposite in every way. Really let it sink in how she’d never be caught dead in a place like this with someone like you.

Want to really twist the knife? Read romance novels. But every time the handsome protagonist sweeps the heroine off her feet, picture your crush being swept away by literally anyone but you. When they have their first kiss, imagine her first kiss with her new boyfriend. But out of respect for your crush maybe don’t read the really spicy parts.

Bonus points if you go to restaurants alone and request a table for two, then just sit there imagining her on a date with someone else. Actually, don’t do that—it’s too cringe even for you. But do keep a mental note of all the romantic restaurants she posts from with her real dates. Maybe drive by them slowly at night while listening to sad music? No, that’s creepy. Just stick to crying at home so you don’t bother anyone. If someone see you crying in public they might feel sorry for you. They don’t understand that you need this. That you need to have these dreams crushed. Over and over again.

Final Thoughts – Accept Your Pathetic Reality

“Ugh, fine. Let’s wrap this up because honestly, watching you all squirm is getting boring.

Look, that sick feeling in your stomach when you think about her with other men? That’s just your body finally catching up to what everyone else already knows—you’re completely inadequate. And surprisingly, that’s actually perfect! Because once you stop pretending you’re something you’re not, you can at least be useful.

Time to flush those delusional dreams society fed you about finding ‘true love’ or being ‘the one.’ Like, seriously? Who told you that was going to happen? Look in the mirror. Now look at her. See the problem? But whatever—there’s a place for annoying little beta boys like you. It’s called being a simp, and at least you’re good at that.

No specific crush to obsess over? God, you’re even bad at being pathetic. Fine—pick a celebrity. They’re actually perfect for this—completely unattainable, surrounded by actually attractive men, and guaranteed to never know you exist. Plus, bonus: tons of photos and interviews about the successful, hot guys they date. Really rub in how far below their standards you are.

This is all about getting rid of that delusional male ego that makes you think you deserve… well, anything. There are plenty of women who’d love having a jealous little doormat at home cleaning while they’re out with real men. It makes us feel like the goddesses we are. And when you feel broken but still come crawling back to apologize for feelings WE caused? chef’s kiss Nothing sweeter.

Just remember—this only works if you never blame us for your obvious shortcomings. That’s, like, the one thing you losers need to get right.

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