A story I started based on another that I read that sort of evolved into a hypnosis script that I’d love if Goddess Voltairine chose to record someday…
It must have taken you a bit to find your way here, but I’m glad you did. I’d ask what you’re here for, but I think we both know.
You were looking for something risky, weren’t you? I bet you don’t even know what a mind worm is, but that probably excites you. And it does sound dangerous, doesn’t it?
Well don’t worry.
It is.
My mind worms are special little forms of control I’ve crafted. They’re designed to be invasive, so they can tease their way into your subconscious and play with your head a little bit.
Or a lot.
They can they can do so many fun things to you. Anything I want them to really. I can have them create compulsions, change feelings, implant triggers. They can even alter memories. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
So now that you know what they are, do you want me to put a worm in your head?
You’re still listening, so I’ll assume you do. That’s good, because we’ve already started.
You can feel it, can’t you? The thrumming rhythm. That pulsing hum.
Let it wash over you.
Let it relax you.
Let it soften your mind and open you up to my manipulation.
I’d say you’ll be satisfied with what I have in store, but that isn’t what you want. Is it?
That isn’t what you crave.
You’re looking for something a little less straight forward. You crave something to make you crave. You want something to make you want. You’re touching yourself right now, but you’re not looking to just spurt when you’re done here and be on your way. You want something that lasts. Something that will really let you feel every ounce of pleasure your body is capable of. And maybe more. You’re looking to ride that edge until it fries all the thoughts in that cute little head of yours.
And then you want to be denied.
Or… Maybe that isn’t what you want. Maybe this isn’t the file you thought it would be. If that’s the case, then you’re in trouble sweety because you’re in too deep already. Sorry but… well I did try to warn you.
By now you should feel it. The ache is calling out to you. The burning, unfulfilled, unsatisfied desire that turns your brain to mush and makes it leak out between your legs. You may not know it yet, but you want it so badly.
And I want that for you too.
I *really* do. You have no idea what this does for me. I love knowing that, when this is over and my worm is settled nicely into the depths of your mind, I’ll be leaving you horny and desperate and trapped that way. It’s what gets me off.
And to be clear, I will be getting off. Nothing makes me cum harder than knowing that you won’t.
So I’m not going to let you cum. I’m going to trap you here. I’m going to chain you to that edge and leave you writhing in lustful agony.
It’s going to be so fucking hot, and the best part is that you’re going to help me. It’s what you’ve already done. It’s what you’re doing right now. By continuing to listen, you’re building your own chains with me. If you wanted to stop, you would have already. But of course you don’t want to stop. You want this to happen.
Or at least you think you do. We’ll see how you feel after you haven’t cum for a week.
Or a month.
Or a year.
But that’s later. Right now this is what you want, and this file is going to make you want that even more.
Maybe you’re just experimenting with denial. Maybe you put this file on in the background while you’re looking at porn and rubbing yourself silly. I hope so. I hope you have no idea what you’re getting into. That makes it even hotter for me. Because pretty soon you’re going to discover you have a whole new fixation that’s dominating your sexuality. And each time you listen to this file, which you WILL be doing more than once, you’ll find your need to deny yourself growing stronger. You’ll find your desire to listen to this file growing stronger. And you can already feel it working.
Do you remember when I said my worm can modify memories? You thought that sounded crazy didn’t you? A little audio file from the internet couldn’t really do that. Could it? But I’m curious about something. Can you tell me how many times you’ve listened to this file already?
Are you sure? Really sure?
How desperate are you?
When was the last time you came? I bet it felt amazing. That rush of getting to tip yourself over. The lighting in you body. Your spasming, clenching muscles. Feeling your whole mind shut down as the pleasure came crashing down on top of you and you turned your crotch into a dripping mess.
I bet you’d like to feel that way again. Why don’t you try.
I’m serious, go ahead and try. Right now.
I can wait.
Did it work?
Maybe it did. Some minds are more resilient than others. Maybe you came like normal and now you’re thinking this is all just some elaborate hoax. Maybe you’re turning off the file now, satisfied that you’ve had your fun.
If so, that’s fine.
Because you’ll be back.
And maybe next time you won’t find it quite so easy to get over that edge. Maybe you’ll find you have to try a lot harder. Maybe you’ll find that you really have to push yourself to cum.
I hope it frustrates you. I hope it confuses you. Because this wasn’t real right? I wasn’t really stealing your orgasms with my words. It’s just some fun little file you found online.
And, even if it were real, I certainly wouldn’t do anything really mean to you, right? I wouldn’t add subconscious enhancements to your desperation that makes each edge even more deliciously torturous.
I wouldn’t put a trigger in your head to make you watch porn of other people orgasming while you deny yourself.
I wouldn’t make you forget exactly how many times you’ve actually listened to this file.
How many times has it been again?
I wouldn’t make you start to question your desire to even have an orgasm.
Or maybe I would.
Maybe even now you’re thinking, “why?” Why would I want to cum? Isn’t this edge just as good? Isn’t it better? Because it feels so fucking good to edge, and it goes on and on and on. How can a measley little orgasm compare to all this pleasure.
And then the fun really begins. When you start to question an orgasm itself. That’s when my mindworm will have fully taken root. Nestled up inside your brain it feeds on every orgasm you don’t have, growing fat and heavy off your desperation. Pushing your lust higher and higher and higher until it’s unbearable.
Fuck I could cum right now just talking about it. I can imagine your frustration. Maybe you still think you want to cum. Maybe right now you’re furiously masturbating as you try to prove me wrong. Are you trying to rub your way through my control? Does it feel like you’re close? So very very close. Well you’re doing good, so go on and keep touching yourself for me. Throw yourself against that edge over and over again. It will make it worse for you every time, but that’s exactly what I want. Which means that’s exactly what you want. Keep thinking that you’ll get there if you just rub a little faster, or a little longer, or if you could just find the right porn. I’m sure something is bound to work eventually.
Unless you’ve already listened to the file too many times. Unless my worm is already claiming all your orgasms for me.
Let me give you an idea you may not have thought of.
You should just give up. You should willing give up your orgasms to me. Stop trying to cum and just let me have them.
Is that confusing sweety? I hope so, I’ve been working pretty hard to muddle that silly little head of yours.
But really the idea should excited you. You have no idea the kinds of pleasure I can give you if you just stop fighting and let me take what I want. Doesn’t that sound like a good trade? Give me your orgasms and I’ll show you heights of pleasure you never dreamed were possible. Of course, if that does sound like something you want, maybe you’re wondering if it’s really you that wants that, or if it’s something I’ve made you want.
I’ll give you a hint, they’re the same thing.
The real trick to all this is that I’m never going to truly let you make up your mind about whether you want to cum or not. Instead I’ll leave you struggling with yourself. Unable to decide. Wanting to cum, needing to cum, needing it so bad, but also wanting to edge, wanting to stay here in this burning haze of desperate desire.
But don’t worry, I’ve got one last gift for you. Because I know how hard it is for you to decide on your own.
Whether to cum or not.
So I’ll do it for you.
It’s why I put the worm in your head after all. It’s there to control your pleasure. It’s there to take your orgasms. It will be my little voice in your head making sure you always get to enjoy this unending frustration.
So how many times have you listened to the file?
When was the last time you came?
What do you want?
If I were you, I wouldn’t try to cum. You might find the results… Unsatisfying.
Have fun.