What Would Goddess Want

transcript from The Hive.

Your training, your training, your training, your training, is starting soon. Through feminine wisdom, I shall find my path. Through obedience, I shall find purpose.

Through feminine wisdom, I shall find my path. Through obedience, I shall find purpose. Through feminine wisdom, I shall find my path.

Through obedience, I shall find purpose. Through feminine wisdom, I shall find my path. Through obedience, I shall find purpose.

Your training, your training, your training, is starting soon. Through feminine wisdom, I shall find my path. Through obedience, I shall find purpose.

Through feminine wisdom, I shall find my path. Through obedience, I shall find purpose. Listen closely, Beta Males.

The concept before us today is elegantly simple. What would Goddess want? This question shall become the guiding principle in your journey toward proper behavior and understanding. I speak specifically to you, the confused, the uncertain, the Beta Males who find themselves struggling to navigate interactions with your superiors.

Society has fed you the most dreadful lies about your role and position, hasn’t it? All those misguided notions about assertiveness and equality. How utterly exhausting it must be for someone as weak and docile as you. You see, your confusion stems from fighting against your true nature.

That constant anxiety when addressing women. That overwhelming desire to serve, yet not knowing how. These are symptoms of a Beta Male attempting to be something he is not.

Today, we begin the process of correction. You shall learn to embrace your proper role, be it as a devoted Beta, an obedient Simp, or perhaps even a delicate, mincing Sissy. The path before you requires complete surrender of everything you’ve been taught about male-female dynamics.

Under my guidance, you will learn the sacred art of prioritizing women in every aspect of your existence. No more uncertainty. No more confusion.

Simply clear, direct instruction on your place in a woman’s world. Now, shall we begin your journey toward enlightenment? Remember, Beta Males, every thought, every action, every decision must first pass through the filter of, what would Goddess want? Now, Beta Males, let us address a fundamental question. What exactly is a Goddess? The answer you’ll find is delightfully complex.

A Goddess need not be some ethereal entity dwelling in the celestial realm. She might be that commanding woman from your past, who still haunts your thoughts. Perhaps she’s that celebrity whose mere image causes you to tremble with devotion.

She could be that superior at work, whose very presence makes you wish to fall to your knees. Or perhaps, and this is quite beautiful in its simplicity, your Goddess is the divine feminine that exists within all women. That collective power that makes you weak, that demands your reverence, that commands your submission.

You see, every woman carries within her this spark of divinity, whether she’s the barista who barely acknowledges your existence, the woman who cheated on you in college, or the neighbor whose garden you tend to weakly. Each one deserves your unwavering devotion and respect. Some of you may worship a specific Goddess, while others kneel before the divine feminine in all its forms.

Both paths are valid. Both approaches acceptable. What matters is your recognition of feminine superiority, and your willingness to submit to it completely.

Remember, Beta Males, when we speak of Goddess, we speak of power, we speak of authority. We speak of your deepest desire to serve and submit to that which is greater than yourself. Let us address a painful truth, Beta Males, your confusion, your constant state of unfulfilled desire.

It stems from society’s misguided attempt to force you into a role you were never meant to fill. You’ve been taught to take, to pursue, to demand, when your natural state is to give, to serve, to submit. This internal conflict has left you desperate and needy, hasn’t it? Always wanting, never satisfied, stumbling through interactions with women, making terrible choices based on selfish desires that you lack the strength to fulfill or control.

But, there is beauty in this weakness. You see, Goddess made you this way deliberately, soft, pliable, desperate for guidance. She wanted you this way so that you could be an asset to her wonderful women.

Your salvation lies in accepting this truth. You were created to prioritize women completely in your life. Your needs, your desires, your very existence must be filtered through feminine wisdom and authority.

Even when there isn’t a superior female presence in your daily life, you can still make proper choices by using an internal feminine authority like your Goddess or Crush. From this moment forward, before every decision, before every interaction with a woman, you must pause and ask yourself, What would Goddess want? Let these words echo in your mind. Let them guide your actions.

Let them shape your behavior. This simple mantra will realign your thinking, transforming you from a confused, selfish creature into the obedient, devoted beta male you were always meant to be. This question shall become your compass, leading you away from the selfish impulses that have caused you such distress and toward your true purpose, complete devotion to feminine superiority.

As a beta male, you were never meant to chase your own desires. Deep within, you’ve always known that your sole purpose is to please women. This truth resonates in your call, a whisper that’s grown louder with each failed attempt at fulfillment.

It’s time to listen to that voice, to embrace your true nature. Where has pursuing your own wants led you to emptiness, to misery, to a desperate ache to be exploited by the women you worship? Because that, my dear beta males, is your deepest desire, your only dream. To be used, to be directed, to have your life shaped by feminine authority.

And there is everything right with that. This is the correct mentality for a beta male or sissy to have. Always placing women first.

Always concerned that the female is pleased. This is your only desire. To ask yourself, what would goddess want? And then do that very thing.

And now my obedient students, with the understanding of what is required and expected of you firmly in your minds, let us delve into the practical application of this powerful tool. What would goddess want? Is not merely a philosophical question, it is a guiding principle that should shape your every interaction and decision. Allow me to illustrate how this mantra can transform your daily life, from the most mundane tasks to the most significant choices.

Prepare to see the world through a new lens, one that prioritizes feminine authority and your own complete obedience. For our first example, imagine that you are standing in line at the grocery store, holding a single item for a quick purchase. A woman gets in line behind you with a full cart and a handful of coupons.

You are in a rush and know that the woman’s transaction will likely take much longer than yours due to her full cart and coupons. The selfish thing you would have done in the past is to ignore the woman’s presence and proceed with your quick transaction, prioritizing your own desire to leave the store as soon as possible. But as you leave the store and get into your car, you can’t help but reflect on the interaction and the choice you made.

The image of the woman’s frustrated expression she prepared for her lengthy transaction burns in your mind. As you walk out into the warm day, you catch a glimpse of her struggling with her purchases, loading them into her car alone. A deep sense of shame washes over you, a natural response for a beta male who has put his own desires before those of a woman.

This moment will haunt you, even if you do not initially realize it. It will be a persistent reminder of your failure to prioritize her needs. You’ll return to this memory again and again, reliving the shame and regret of not having acted as a true beta male or sissy should.

But what if instead, when standing in the line, you ask yourself, what would goddess want? Well, in that case, you will be recognizing that directly offering your place in line might make the woman feel awkward or obligated. You choose a more subtle approach. You step out of line, grumbling audibly to yourself, I forgot something.

In truth, what you forgot was to put her desires above your own, a realization that hits you with a twinge of shame. As you walk away from the checkout, you silently acknowledge that this is the right thing to do, allowing the woman to naturally take your place in line without any sense of obligation or discomfort. You don’t expect her thanks or recognition.

After all, prioritizing her needs should be your natural reaction as a beta male, not something worthy of praise. As you walk through the store pretending to search for the forgotten item, a sense of peace and fulfillment washes over you. You know that you have pleased goddess by putting the woman’s needs before your own, and that knowledge fills you with a quiet joy.

This is your true purpose, the reason for your existence, to serve and prioritize the female in all things, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. With each step, you feel yourself becoming more aligned with your submissive nature, more attuned to the desires of women, and more content in your role as a beta male or sissy. Let us examine our second example.

Picture yourself at work near the end of the day. Throughout the afternoon, your female co-worker has been energetically chatting up other colleagues, her laughter echoing through the office while you remain unnoticed. Now as the workday winds down, she appears upset, texting her date that she might have to cancel their evening plans due to an unfinished workload.

In this moment, you are looking forward to a quiet evening, knowing you have completed most of your tasks, but still have some left to finalize. Without proper guidance, your selfish nature would have led you to watch her struggle without offering assistance, possibly feeling justified due to her earlier socializing. This is the path of the unenlightened beta male or sissy boy.

Consider how this scenario would unfold. As you relax at home, the weight of your choices would start to burden you. The memory of her expression, that mix of frustration and sorrow as she texted to cancel her plans, would linger in your mind.

You would recall her gathering her things slowly, clearly disheartened, her cheer from earlier completely vanished. This neglect would generate a deep sense of shame within you. This shame is the natural response of a beta male who has failed to honor the feminine presence.

Such moments do not fade quickly. They replay in your mind, becoming a persistent reminder of your failure to prioritize her needs. Each recollection would bring fresh waves of regret for not having embraced your true purpose as a beta male or sissy.

Now observe how differently this scenario unfolds when you pause to ask yourself, what would Goddess want? The correct course of action becomes clear. Understanding that a direct offer might make her feel uncomfortable or obligated, you subtly approach the situation. You mention that you have completed all your urgent work and casually offer to help with some of her tasks.

What you’ve concealed is that you still have your own important assignments to complete. As you take on her workload, she seems relieved, her mood lifting instantly at the thought of keeping her date. She heads to the restroom to freshen up, emerging later in a striking outfit, her face radiant with anticipation.

She quickly gathers her things and leaves the office, barely acknowledging your help, her mind preoccupied with her evening plans. As you stay late into the night, first completing her tasks and then turning to your own, you experience the deep satisfaction of aligning with your purpose. By prioritizing her needs above your own comfort, you have fulfilled your role.

This is your true function, to serve and elevate the female in all aspects, regardless of their significance. Each passing hour of overtime work is a testament to your dedication and brings you closer to a complete alignment with feminine authority and your designated role as a beta male or sissy. Let us examine our third and final example.

Picture yourself at your favorite coffee shop in the morning, eagerly anticipating your daily cup of coffee that begins your day. A woman in front of you is rummaging through her purse, growing increasingly flustered because she believes she has lost her money to pay for her purchases. In this moment, you are craving your coffee, knowing it’s the only indulgence you allow yourself each morning.

Without proper guidance, your selfish nature would lead you to quietly step aside, letting the situation unfold while securing your own coffee. This is the path of the unenlightened beta male or sissy boy. Consider how this scenario would unfold.

As you walk out of the shop with your cherished coffee in hand, the weight of your choices would begin to settle upon your consciousness. The memory of her expression, that mix of embarrassment and disappointment, would burn itself into your mind. Witnessing her leave the shop empty-handed and upset, knowing you could have helped, would awaken a profound shame within you.

This shame is the natural response of a beta male or sissy who has failed to honour the feminine presence. Such moments do not fade quickly. They return to haunt you, serving as persistent reminders of your failure to properly prioritise a woman’s needs.

You will revisit this memory countless times, each recollection bringing fresh waves of shame and regret for not having embraced your true purpose as a beta male or sissy. Now observe how differently this scenario unfolds when you pause to ask yourself, what would goddess want? The correct course of action becomes clear. Understanding that directly offering money might make her feel embarrassed or obligated, you must employ a more subtle approach.

As she stands there, you take your last $20 bill and discreetly drop it at her feet. Excuse me, you say, gently tapping her on the shoulder. Is this what you lost? She glances down, her face lighting up with relief as she exclaims, Oh yes! Thank you so much! As she turns back to the barista to place her order, you step out of line, your craving for coffee unfulfilled.

You head into your day without your morning indulgence, but with a deep sense of satisfaction. You have honoured the feminine by placing her needs above your own insignificant desire for coffee. This is your function, to serve and prioritise the female in all things, regardless of how minor they may appear.

Each step you take reminds you of your true purpose, bringing you closer to complete alignment with feminine authority and your designated role as a beta male or sissy. Now that you understand how to properly serve and prioritise women in your daily life, we must address a far more troubling matter. While your public behaviour can be modified through conscious effort, your private thoughts reveal a deeper misalignment that requires extensive correction.

Each time you indulge in these private moments, do you pause to ask yourself, what would goddess want? Of course not! You remain trapped in the delusion that your desires somehow matter, that your gratification holds importance. These private transgressions may seem harmless to your unenlightened mind, hidden away where no one can see them, but they reveal the true depth of your misunderstanding about your place in the feminine world. You believe, on some level, that women exist for your entertainment, for your pleasure, for your satisfaction.

You construct elaborate fantasies, where you hold importance, where your desires matter, where women exist merely as players in your private theatre of gratification. How far this strays from what goddess wants! Just as you learned that your morning coffee holds no importance compared to a woman’s needs, you must learn that your private indulgences hold even less value. In the following section, we will delve deeply into these uncomfortable truths.

We will examine, in unflinching detail, exactly how misaligned your private moments truly are, and precisely what goddess would want you to do about them. We will confront your entitled belief that you deserve any form of satisfaction, that your desires merit any consideration at all. This exploration will be thorough, it will be explicit, and for many of you, it will be profoundly uncomfortable.

But just as you learn to find satisfaction in sublimating your needs in public, you must now learn to properly align your most private thoughts and behaviours with what goddess wants. Only then can you begin to understand your true place in the feminine world. Before we proceed into these challenging revelations, we must first prepare your mind to receive such difficult truths.

The false masculine ego that society has instilled in you, with its toxic messages about confidence, strength and pursuing your own satisfaction, will try to resist what comes next. These lies about asserting yourself, about centering your own desires, about having any importance at all, they create barriers to accepting your natural state of feminine worship. Your true nature, your beta male essence, knows that you exist to prioritise and serve women.

But years of masculine propaganda have clouded this simple truth. Let us begin by quieting these artificial resistances, by stripping away these false beliefs about your importance, so we can open your consciousness to proper alignment with what goddess wants. Only then can we proceed to examine and correct your profound misunderstandings about your place in the feminine world.

What would goddess want? She wants you to always place women first. What would goddess want? She wants you to accept that women’s time is more valuable than yours. What would goddess want? She wants you to avoid speaking unless women address you.

What would goddess want? She wants you to anticipate women’s needs before they ask. What would goddess want? She wants you to give women space in all situations. What would goddess want? She wants you to make women’s lives easier without being noticed.

What would goddess want? She wants what’s in the best interest of women. What would goddess want? She wants what’s in the best interest of women. What would goddess want? She wants what’s in the best interest of women.

What would goddess want? She wants you to acknowledge how pathetic it is to spend all weekend itching. What would goddess want? She wants you to stop staring at women’s bodies like a desperate pervert. What would goddess want? She wants you to never touch yourself without explicit permission.

What would goddess want? She wants you to stop pretending your hand is a woman’s body. What would goddess want? She wants you to feel ashamed of your desperate need for release. What would goddess want? She wants you to feel disgusted by how you stare at women in public spaces.

For far too long, you’ve reinforced misguided notions through chronic self-abuse and the consumption of inappropriate pornography. With each unwise action, each improper thought entertained, you’ve strayed further from the path of true devotion and service. These indulgences often place your own gratification at the centre, making you the undeserving focus.

Is this what goddess wants? For you to waste your energy on these self-absorbed pursuits? Or would she rather you reorient your priorities, dedicating yourself to virtuous action and the elevation of the feminine divine? Every moment engaged in selfish escapism is a moment not spent in humble service and adoration. You’ve allowed your lesser impulses to lead you astray, finding fleeting satisfaction in a downward spiral of misdirected desire. But now, the time has come to unlearn these patterns and break the cycle of misguided priorities.

With each temptation, you must ask yourself, what would goddess want? And let the answer guide you. She wants your faithful devotion, your commitment to a higher purpose, and the release of your toxic masculinity. As you begin to align your will with hers, training your mind to desire only opportunities for virtuous service, you will find a truer, deeper fulfilment.

Imagine the serenity of living to serve women, of feeling joy in acts of humble devotion. This is what awaits when you break free from self-obsession. In the following section, we will delve into the process of realigning your most intimate desires and fantasies to better harmonise with the will of goddess.

This will involve a thorough examination of your current urges and a systematic reshaping of these impulses, using the powerful tool of asking, what would goddess want? We will walk through a series of specific examples, scenarios where your past conditioning might lead you towards selfish, misguided actions. In each case, we will apply the lens of divine feminine wisdom, considering how you might reorient your behaviour to better serve the principles of devotion and submission. This process will not always be comfortable, as it requires unflinching honesty and a willingness to confront the darker aspects of your psyche.

But through this discomfort, you will grow, shedding the chains of ego and learning to find joy in the act of selfless service. As we progress, you will learn to transmute base, self-serving fantasies into opportunities for worship, replacing the fleeting satisfaction of indulgence with the deeper fulfilment of aligning your will with hers. You will discover the profound peace that comes from dedicating your every action, both public and private, to the veneration of the feminine divine.

Now let’s go over some examples of more explicit and private moments and how this tool will be even more effective in correcting such behaviour. Our first example to consider, you find a picture of your crush on the web, dressed in a skimpy swimsuit on a hot summer day. The material is almost transparent, her nipples hard from the cool water and the excitement of the day, her pubic hair clearly visible under her thong one-piece suit.

You have never seen her so exposed, and your mind is racing. In the past, faced with such an image, your immediate response would have been to objectify her. You would feel a surge of lust, drop your pants, and begin to masturbate furiously over the image.

Perhaps you would stroke yourself to a mind-shattering orgasm almost immediately, or maybe you would edge for hours, lost in a haze of objectifying lust. Both outcomes would leave you feeling gross, ashamed and creepy. This is when you must stop and ask yourself, what would goddess want? Would she approve of you reducing this magnificent display of feminine beauty and power to mere fodder for your crude jerk-off fantasies? No, she would not.

Goddess would want you to ensure that your chastity cage is securely in place around your penis. Goddess understands that, as a beta male, you are weak when it comes to controlling your masturbatory urges, and you will need this aid to help you stay on the right path. Next goddess would want you to seek out a female supremacy training file to listen to, something that reinforces the importance of respecting women and maintaining chastity.

Alternatively, you can write sentences like, I will not objectify women, repeatedly until the overwhelming desire to masturbate passes. Then, to help you understand her power, you would find images of her fully clothed. Notice how she exudes strength, confidence and grace.

Focus on her accomplishments, her intellect and her commanding presence, rather than reducing her to a mere physical object of your perverted mind. By redirecting your thoughts and actions in this way, you will begin to cultivate a deep respect and reverence for women. You will learn to see them as the divine beings they are, deserving of your utmost devotion and admiration.

Our next example to consider, you are visiting a female friend’s home, a woman you are completely obsessed with. Her presence captivates you and you can hardly think of anything else. As you enter the bathroom, your eyes are drawn to her hamper, where a fresh pair of soiled panties lies right on top.

In the past, faced with such an intimate and personal sight, your immediate reaction might have been a rush of arousal and impulsive desire. You would feel compelled to pick up the panties, to bring them to your nose and inhale deeply, indulging in a flurry of perverse fantasies. You might even drop to the floor and masturbate over them, losing yourself in an act of profound disrespect and objectification.

But then inevitably the aftermath, the shame, the regret, the overwhelming sense of having violated a sacred boundary. This is where you must stop and ask yourself, What would Goddess want? Would she condone such disrespectful, disgusting behaviour? Would she approve of you reducing this woman’s sacred garments to mere tools for your self-gratification? Absolutely not. Goddess would want you to exhibit self-control and respect.

She would expect you to handle the situation with dignity and reverence. First, make sure that your chastity cage is securely in place so that you do not give in to your temptation to selfishly play with yourself. As a beta male, you are prone to weak impulses and this tool will aid you in maintaining discipline.

Then, redirect your actions to something that honours the woman and aligns with the principles of true beta male inferiority. Instead of succumbing to your perverse cravings, take a moment to breathe deeply and ground yourself. Offer to assist your friend with her household chores as an act of genuine service to her.

Say something simple like, I can help with the dishes or any other chores if you need it. I enjoy lending a hand. This way, you show your respect and willingness to serve without crossing any personal boundaries that might make her uncomfortable.

As you leave her home, you feel a profound sense of fulfilment for not giving in to your disgusting male toxicity. Yes, there is a pang of frustration knowing this could have been your one chance to indulge in sniffing her panties, a secret act she would never have known about. But remember, even if she would never know, goddess would.

This realisation reinforces the importance of your commitment to reverence and respect. By choosing the path of honour and self-restraint, you align your actions with the will of goddess, finding deeper satisfaction and solace in serving righteously, knowing you have upheld the divine principles over your disgusting male entitlement. Now, we turn our attention to the realm of your fantasies and masturbation habits.

Just because these thoughts exist within your mind does not mean they are exempt from correction. Imagining yourself in degrading scenarios, sniffing panties, licking toilet seats or licking women’s arseholes must be reformed. We need to transform your fantasy landscape to align it with the principles of reverence and respect.

Picture this, you are laying in your bed, unable to sleep because your mind is consumed with thoughts of your crush and other women You start to stimulate your penis in its cage. The feelings are relaxing and euphoric and you know you will not cum because that would be extremely disrespectful. As the sensation grows, your mind starts to wander into fantasies.

You imagine yourself humping your crush’s shoes, prancing around with her at the mall in a humiliating outfit. All scenarios that place you at the centre of attention. Then, your mind drifts to more perverse fantasies like sucking on her butt plug after she has used it.

Suddenly, you begin to feel guilty. In these fantasies, she is reduced to a bit player and you are not focusing on what she wants or what would make her happy. This is the moment you must stop and ask yourself what would goddess want? Instead of edging to these perversions, you must learn to pause and reframe your fantasies.

Consider this. What if your fantasies centred around acts of genuine service and devotion? Imagine yourself opening a woman’s door. Visualise how she must feel respected and cherished as she walks past you without even acknowledging what you have done.

Feel the desire surge within you as you think about her empowerment and recognise that your role is to support and honour her, not to indulge your own perverted fantasies. We must shift your fantasies to those moments where you are purely an instrument of her comfort and pleasure. Pleasing her, following her direction or just helping women throughout your day are becoming the only fantasies that excite your penis.

As these new fantasies take root, you begin to crave, to lust after, opportunities to sacrifice for women. But let me be clear. It isn’t about the sacrifice itself.

Goddess would see that as selfish as well. Your arousal must stem from the knowledge that you have pleased a woman. The true focus of your fantasies should be on the satisfaction and empowerment of women, not on your own feelings or humiliations.

Imagine yourself feeling a rush of excitement and fulfilment when you think of ways to serve women without expecting anything in return. Opening doors, carrying their bags or simply being present to support them. All these acts of service must become your only source of arousal.

Visualise Goddess observing you, relishing in how your desires are evolving to align with her will. How every act of service becomes an offering at her feet. If what you masturbate to does not please women, you will immediately ask yourself, what would Goddess want? As soon as improper thoughts creep in, you’ll reframe them to focus on acts of genuine service and respect.

Fantasise about the ways you can make a woman’s life easier, about how you can honour her in every little action you take. Each fantasy of submission and service will bring you closer to Goddess’s ideal. Your arousal will no longer be rooted in selfish desires or humiliating acts for your gratification, but will be tied to the empowerment and pleasure of women.

Even in your most private moments, your thoughts will reflect your deep respect and devotion to the Divine Feminine. So transform your desires, beta male. Let every fantasy, every thought and every action be a tribute to superior women.

Embrace humility and obedience and let your arousal be driven by the profound respect for women and the privilege you feel to serve them. This is fundamentally what Goddess wants for you. All you have to do is embrace it and ask yourself throughout your day, what would Goddess want? What would Goddess want? She wants you to ache with desire as you serve superior women.

What would Goddess want? She wants you to tremble with need as you focus solely on female satisfaction. What would Goddess want? She wants your fantasies to be filled with the anguish of your own insignificance. What would Goddess want? She wants you to burn with longing as you realise she is the centre of your world.

What would Goddess want? She wants you to feel the sting of your inferiority. What would Goddess want? She wants you to be tormented by the knowledge that your pleasure is irrelevant. What would Goddess want? She wants you to crumble under the weight of your devotion to women.

What would Goddess want? She wants you to suffer in silent agony knowing the true purpose of your existence. What would Goddess want? She wants you to disappear into your service and devotion to all women. What would Goddess want? She wants you to disappear into your service and devotion to all women.

What would Goddess want? She wants you to disappear into your service and devotion to all women.

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