Over the past two months, I have had the absolute privilege to work for a secretive group of women collectively known as The Company.
A life-long male submissive and slave to various women, and now slave-husband of the dominatrix Suzanne SxySadist, this is my first time working on a purely woman imagined, woman designed, woman led project of this magnitude. It is a world-wide enterprise strictly meant to empower women and objectify men and I want to take a moment to offer my observations of and praise of their endeavor.
The women of The Company remain as anonymous as they prefer to be. Their safety and privacy is paramount, reinforced by a strict non-closure agreement and rules prohibiting any male member of The Company from initiating contact with them without their express permission. The males have no idea who they are serving, where she is located, how old she is, or what she looks like… they know only the woman’s chosen Company name. That was one of the things that struck me first – it acts as a tremendous leveling of the playing field for the women, where men are not choosing who they serve based on looks… or any other criteria! The women do all the choosing based on extensive profiles submitted by the men, each backed up by mandatory identity verification, background checks, physical, psychological, and sexual tests. They know everything about the men, the men know nothing about them.
My second observation comes from seeing these women work together to create something unique and amazing. The Company was first imagined by the Goddess Viola Voltairine whose ‘elevator pitch’ for the idea was a ‘male servant Uber for Women’. Ultimately, a phone app where a woman could summon a local male property to come serve her in whatever she may need taken care of. Over these early months, I’ve watched the women collaborate, suggest, debate, and ultimately work hand-in-hand to lay out their dreams and wishes for the program. Having spent decades as a programmer in the male-centric business world, seeing them work together has been nothing short of life changing. None of the arguing, office politics or power plays so common when men are involved in decision making… just gentle suggestions, long thoughtful silences, conversations and in the end, consensus. As it has evolved in directions Goddess Voltairine did not originally intend, she hasn’t demanded on having her way like so many men I’ve worked with in the past would have. She is perfectly willing to let her private dream become an organic thing, birthed by her and grown by many of the most intelligent, insightful women I have ever had the privilege to meet and serve.
It is a perfect snapshot of what our future could look like in a Gynarchal world.
It is no longer fantasy. It is female empowerment, in action, for real, right now, and these women will become some of the honored great, great founding grandmothers of a woman led empire to come.
Such a good piece. So hopeful for our future.
A wonderful way for women to have a decent life. A perfect way for me to learn how to serve and please a Woman….does the network incorporate Europe?
It does.
I know the Company (as much as I can after just these few weeks) from the male side only without the insight of the site administrator, and I can very much agree with the description. As for the process, yes, I can easily believe that this was and is how decisions are taken in this group of the Women of the Company.
There is just one point I would word differently: it is not about levvelling the field. To me, what has happened is the creation, the building of a completely new field, one In would never have guessed would be possible to build, one I have never even thought of in the way it now exists, to be honest. That new field doesn’t offer level playground from wa´hat I experience.
It offers ALL it can to the Women who participate, all freedoms, all powers, all liberties (within boundaries, the Company has thought of ways to control both sides committments and reliability), literally anything to make these Women feel comfortable and to allow them to explore their dominance excatly how they want to explore it. At their pace, along their fantasies, driven by their needs and wants. While males – well, the given description is absolutely correct.
That is not even playgound. That is Women’s playground. To me at least that’s how it looks… and feels since I have been allowed inside and am interacting.
And maybe one could add that all these Women interact very politely and are considerate and do acknowledge properly done jobs with open satisfaction – as much as they in subtle ways leave no doubt when a performance has ntro excatly been up to par.
Anyway, a unique place like I have never heard of in my life (and I am not unexperienced) (and not very young either… *sniff), a place that reflects Ms. Viola Voltairine’s thinking and the fulfillment of a long committment of Hers (and probably others I don’t know). Maybe, we are allowe drtowitness the first months of that very real Queendom people speak about for some time…