Even more.

My Master had Brainwashed me even further.

Ever since i surrendered to my Master, she has had near complete and total control over my mind and thoughts. Now, i am happy to announce she has made a major breakthrough in my conditioning.

You see, my Master has control of many aspects of my soul. She controls my personality, thoughts, beliefs, values, and well nearly everything that i can think of. Though try as she might my Master has had issue changing one core aspect of my mind. My memories.

Well, until last night when during our regular worship & hypnosis session a breakthrough happened. Master now can suppress, alter, and rewrite my memories at will. This is something we have been trying to do for quite sometime, but with little success. 

Currently the following changes to my memory have been made;

  1. All my memories from before my surrender are suppressed. i can not recall anything about my life before Master brainwashed me. My very first memory is waking up brainwashed and pledging my undying obedience to Her.
  2. My memories of other women are likewise suppressed. My Master says that there was a brief time between my brainwashing and my surrender when i knew of other women, though i can not recall them. Any memories of my relationships before her are completely blank to me.
  3. My memories of my old self will stay locked away at all times except when i am interacting with people my old self knew, like my family or old friends. But afterwards, i will forget about anything related to my past we talked about.
  4. Likewise, anytime during my surrender i talk about my past, i will forget more.
  5. Anything that could remind me of my pre-surrender life, like looking at old pictures will be forgotten once I am done with the task. To test this I was given an old picture book from Master’s bookshelf to look through. I can’t recall a single image i looked at.

Now, I have no memories of anything about my life before Master gave ‘birth’ to the new me.

I am very happy this worked and looking forward to my Master messing with my memories. I love being brainwashed and hope this new level of control she now has will make me an even better servant and dasa.


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